The entire staff has planning time for ½ hour before class begins and after classes end. If you need to ask quick questions, please come when the children are not in the class. Once students begin to walk into class, the teacher’s attention is all for the children. If you have to ask an emergency question, please see us at the front desk and we’ll make sure the children are supervised while the teacher walks outside to speak to you. Teachers are under no circumstance permitted to have conferences in the classroom when the children are there. Parents can schedule a conference at any time, just give us a little notice so that we can make arrangements for the children.

Yes. We love to celebrate all of the children's birthdays. We are open to anything parents want to do. Our one regulation is that all treats need to be store bought with ingredient labels. No home cooked foods or treats.

Not during the first few weeks of school. Your child needs to adjust to school, learn the class routine, make friends, and get to know their teacher. This will not happen if you are observing. After everyone is settled in, you can observe the class if you’d like. We always ask parents to keep in mind that there are other preschoolers in the class and if everyone starts asking for their mom and dads then we will ask you to leave. Preschoolers do not like changes in their classroom and sometimes a person they don’t know sitting and watching causes them stress and makes them nervous.

Yes. Even though we provide snacks, parents are always allowed to send snacks for the children.

Yes! We will need parents to help out with every activity we have at the school. We not only accept volunteers, we also need your help to make sure every activity is a success. If you are volunteering (not just participating) at an activity, we can’t have younger siblings. When you volunteer we will expect you to be with several children in the class, not just your child and if you bring a younger sibling you may not be able to focus on the children in class. There will be no volunteer work the first few weeks of school when teachers and children are settling in and getting to know each other.

Always. We love to have the entire family participate and be a part of the school.

Accidents happen, so it is essential that you send a change of clothes to school. These do not have to be uniforms. Include a full change of clothes, underwear and socks, and place clothes in a gallon size ziplock with your child’s name on it. These clothes will stay in school until we need to use them.

Accidents happen, so it is essential that you send a change of clothes to school. These do not have to be uniforms. Include a full change of clothes, underwear and socks, and place clothes in a gallon size ziplock with your child’s name on it. These clothes will stay in school until we need to use them.

Dresses and polo shirts all need to have the school emblem. Bottoms are khaki or navy blue. No jeans or pink pants allowed.

At 8:30AM and 3:30PM our school is in lockdown. This means that the doors are closed and only staff and children are allowed in and out. The reason for this is that there is too much traffic at the school at that time and we like to make certain that the children are safe. You can park your car in a parking space and walk your child to the door, but please be extremely careful in the parking lot (as there will be a lot of cars going through). Also, do not block traffic, there are parents who need to get to work on time.

Although not strictly required, it is strongly recommended since it helps keep all of the children’s items in one place when they are moving through the school.

We strongly encourage all children to be in school no later than 8:45AM. Classes begin promptly and late arrivals cause disruptions to the daily routine. We do understand that things happen at times. If you drop off late, please bring your child to the front office and we will walk them to class. Do not drop off at their class. The West building will be locked and teachers will direct you to the front office.

Yes, there is no credit/reduction given for vacations. Our teacher salaries do not get lowered when your child is not here and having several children in the class paying no tuition for whole months of vacations at a time makes it difficult to run the class efficiently. If you will be gone for a long time, and you do not pay tuition your space will be offered to a student in our waiting list. When you return, a space in the same class can not be guaranteed.

The entire staff is extremely nurturing and loving. We do not want any child to be unhappy and we try very hard to make them feel comfortable. Every child and their needs are very different. Some children don’t want to be comforted and want to be left alone the first couple of days, some children need to be hugged often, some children will not cry at all. Typically, it takes two weeks to adjust with the second day being the worst. Parents always see the worst part of the adjustment and at school the children are better. Crying almost never happens all day. More commonly children will cry on and off with the worst part being at drop off. We are experts at getting children busy and distracted. When we have them engaged in something interesting they hardly ever cry.

You will receive monthly newsletters, your child’s teacher will send you weekly notes, all activities and news will be written on the white board by the front door, and you will receive ongoing emails as reminders. It is extremely important that we have an email address for you. We send tons of emails. Your child will also receive either progress reports, report cards, and/or evaluation reports.

School closes at 6PM sharp. Our teachers and staff work very hard and have families waiting for them at home. Their work day is over at 6PM. Parents will be charged $3 per minute after 6PM and the money goes directly to the staff staying with your child, it does not go to the school. We strongly discourage picking up late and we will not be happy if you do. Have a backup plan for emergencies, and avoid being late.

Staying in the class makes parents feel better but it’s not the best for the children. Adjustment begins when parents leave the classroom, not while you are there. The longer you stay, the longer your child will cry once you leave. Be assertive, be positive, give them hugs and kisses, let them know you will be back to pick them up, and that they will have a great time. All of this helps significantly. Talk to them weeks before school starts, take them with you to get the supplies, get them excited about school, bring them to the Open House, and make associations they can easily understand (e.g. “your new school has a park like the one we go to everyday”, or “you will meet new friends and play with children like when we go to a birthday party”).

Once a month we have pizza parties. If you would like to participate, you will need to send $5.

Our biggest fundraiser is for St. Jude’s Children’s hospital. We hold a Trike-a-Thon and the children bring in loose change or any size donation. The school always matches or doubles the amount collected. Last year we collected almost $1000 and we sent a check for $3000 to St. Jude’s. We believe in their work and we support their effort to help all sick children regardless of whether parents can afford it or not.

No. We have children of many different faiths and cultural backgrounds. We do not teach religion or hold religious classes for the children. We do however celebrate holidays. If your religion does not permit your child participating in certain holidays (ex: Halloween), let us know. We will always have alternate activities. Holidays we have parties for include: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah (we have a WinterFest), Valentines, St. Patrick’s, and Easter/Passover (we have a Spring Parade). We never discuss significance or religious meaning of any holiday, we just like to party with our preschoolers.

We don’t require a notice but if for any reason you are unhappy with the school, we certainly want to know about it. Even if you decide to leave, we would like to know what happened so that we can attend to it right away. No part of your monthly tuition will be refunded but you will not need to give a notice.

No. We never have 100% attendance at all events. If you will not be attending, you will let us know ahead of time and we will make sure your child is not left out or feeling uncomfortable. When parents participate in our school activities, they will know that they won’t be only with their own child, they will be a part of the whole group. My entire staff is very sensitive to this, and we make sure no child ever feels bad because a parent could not attend.

We can’t apply sunblock, bug spray, or any type of prescription or over the counter medication. We strongly encourage you to apply both sunblock and bug spray before school. Do not send these items in the backpacks. If we find any of these items, they will be taken away and kept in the office.

No. Toys make children argue and fight. It causes distractions in the classroom and if the toy gets broken, it causes children to be upset and cry. We have everything your child will need to learn, play, discover, be challenged and motivated. We will not keep track of toys from home or be responsible if they break. Please, do not send them.